PR and Media Relations_

Digital PR can make noise for your brand

We transform ideas into stories and front-page news. PR isn’t just a process for us: it’s an art. Punch combines bold creativity, strategic thinking, and industry know-how to create unique narratives that ensure you stand out in an overly saturated marketplace.

Forget simply sending over a press release and crossing your fingers, we make things happen. We ignite conversation and build genuine connections that matter. Through a mix of traditional media outreach, digital strategies, and excellent storytelling, we make sure your message reaches the right ears, at the right time, in the most impactful way.

  • Build and protect your brand reputation
  • Increase brand visibility and share of voice
  • Create connections and loyalty with customers
  • Boost credibility and thought leadership
  • Expand into new markets or regions
Three people holding a Dunkin' donuts frame

When it comes to digital PR and media relations, we’re more than just ideas people

We’re not just great at writing, we’re great at understanding your business too – whatever the sector. We take time to get to know you, and your brand, so we can act like an extension of your team. We’re relationship-builders. With strong connections across multi-industries, we create stories that journalists want to share and consumers want to read.

Content marketing that goes against the grain

Without a strong brand, all communication activities are pointless. That’s why we don’t play things safe. We shift consumer behaviour, build trust, and change perceptions. Everything we do is agile. We stay on top of trend cycles so you can make a lasting impression in your industry. By weaving an emotive and unique narrative we enable you to own your category, long-term.


More than a PR agency: what else can our wordsmiths do?


Say something with digital PR


Press release

Whether announcing a new groundbreaking product, sharing company news, or showcasing industry insights, we’ll leverage our many media relations to maximise your reach. We understand the power of a well-crafted story, and we’re here to help you tell yours.



Where storytelling meets strategy to shape your brand’s narrative. We won’t only capture attention, but we’ll position your brand as an industry authority. Whether it’s thought leadership, addressing critical issues, or engaging with your audience on a deeper level, our PR experts will make an impact.



We know how to get someone’s attention. Our PR-whizzes are on hand to make sure your communications reach the right hands, at the right time, for the right audience. We’ll connect you with our extensive network to secure media coverage, partnerships, and collaborations that amplify your message.


Reputation management

Your brand reputation is built on trust, and trust is built on stories. We’ll empower you to shape these narratives, making sure your organisation is positioned positively. Whether it’s a crisis, managing online reviews, or seeking to proactively enhance your reputation before a launch, this digital marketing agency is a safe pair of hands.


Crisis comms

Sh*t happens. When it does, and it will, you need people you can trust to put it right. That’s where we come in. We’re a steadfast partner in moments of crisis, offering swift, strategic, and effective responses when you need them most. We’re pros at regaining control of the narrative, and rebuilding genuine credibility.


Digital PR

We love a bit of nostalgia, but sometimes the digital world is calling. We combine traditional PR strategies with innovative digital tactics to make sure your brand’s message not only reaches further, but resonates too. From engaging social media campaigns to online media coverage, we drive results. Every time.



At a time where every message matters, a well-defined, smart PR strategy is essential. With a blend of creativity and precision, we make sure your PR efforts aren’t just impactful, but also measurable. Every decision, every message, and every campaign is strategically aligned to your business objectives.



It’s not enough to be seen, you’ve got to be heard too. Loudly. When you’re looking to give that extra bang, our creatives will help you execute an unforgettable stunt that captures the imagination. Whether you’re looking to spark conversation or create buzz around an event, we’ll disrupt the status quo.


Influencer marketing

From social media stars to industry thought leaders, we create partnerships that drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. Our data-driven approach ensure that every campaign delivers measurable results, and our focus on authenticity guarantees your brand message is delivered in the right way.

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