Internal Communications_

Digital PR strategy for internal communications

Many companies miss a trick by not thinking of their internal teams as an audience. Your staff are your product or service. They’re at the front of your marketing activity, every day. They are your brand. 

People need to know what they’re working towards. Internal communications gives you that opportunity for collaboration. To create a space where everyone is working towards the same goal. To translate your business strategy into practical ideas that actually mean something to staff on the ground. Every story you share needs to bring about change, or you’ve wasted your time.

Don’t make the mistake of focusing on activity. Instead, think of outcomes. Our Leeds marketing agency will work with you to empower your staff, building trust and understanding, with each employee moving towards a common purpose.

  • Higher staff motivation and productivity
  • Improved team collaboration
  • Better organisational alignment
  • Effective change management
  • Enhanced employee feedback
  • Increased employee wellbeing
  • Attract high-quality talent, with ease
Four posters with strong typefaces

Remember your brand identity

Empathy lies at the centre of strong internal communications. It’s not enough to tell your team something, they need to connect with it too. We ensure that every word is dovetailed to specific business goals, giving your team the ability to grasp your vision – and their personal role within it. Punch will support you to deliver target content and tools, forge partnerships across your business, and collate feedback that’s actionable. By using real people, and real moments, you can bring your purpose to life. We want to make your communications mean something. We want to attack a feeling.

Internal communications and your brand

It’s more than just tone of voice

OK, so you’ve got your purpose. You know how to translate this to your team. Now it’s time to build a strong employer brand – one that holds up to your vision. Having a visual identity that represents everything your brand stands for not only attracts the best talent, but keeps your current employees motivated and engaged. We’ll help you take this one step further, by creating an employee value proposition. Because to be truly effective, your brand should be evident throughout your employee lifecycle. We’ll bring your mission to life.

Using internal communications to engage your team and boost your sales



As an integrated marketing agency, we build efficient, user-friendly intranets and digital solutions that support seamless information sharing among your teams. You can easily broadcast live sessions, town hall meetings, and training sessions. Empower your employees to access critical information, collaborate effortlessly, and stay informed, by fostering a culture of connectivity and productivity.


Employee surveys and feedback loops

Your team are your best source of insights. Through carefully crafted surveys and feedback loops, we listen to your team’s voices, gather valuable feedback, and use data-driven insights to fuel continuous improvement. This dynamic feedback process helps you address concerns, celebrate successes, and adapt to changing needs.


Change management communications

Change is the only constant, and our communication services ensure your teams navigate transitions smoothly. We guide you in crafting effective communication plans that minimise resistance, clarify expectations, and inspire confidence during periods of change, ensuring your organisation emerges stronger on the other side.


Learning & development

Crafting a well-defined e-learning strategy is the foundation for success. We collaborate with you to develop a comprehensive plan that aligns with your objectives, ensuring that every course and module serves a purpose in advancing your team initiatives.


Employer brand creation

Attracting and retaining top talent is a strategic necessity in today’s competitive landscape. We, as a full service marketing agency, can create, and communicate, your organisation’s unique employer value proposition, aligning your internal comms to your brand strategy, ensuring that every message from recruitment campaigns to internal initiatives, reflects the culture, values, and opportunities your brand offers.


Printed collateral

Sometimes you just want something in your hand. We work with you to create visually appealing and informative materials that capture your company’s vision, values, and key messages. From employee handbooks to beautifully designed newsletters, we transform your internal comms into something that leaves a lasting impression.

Red old phone

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