Punch market agency can crack the code with technical SEO

The first step to increasing conversions? Getting found in the right place, by the right people. That’s why we integrate meaningful content with technical SEO to create copy that works – both for Google, and your audience. 

Our integrated agency loves a challenge – whether you’re wanting to boost your brand’s visibility, improve website performance, or make sure search engines recognise your digital footprint, we’re ready to get cracking. Technical SEO is the process of optimising your website’s technical infrastructure to make it more search engine friendly and improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Far more than just SEO content

It’s not just keywords and metadata. It’s optimising website architecture, creating an XML sitemap, fixing broken links, ensuring website security, and much more. Your content can be the best copy ever written, but if you don’t have proper technical and onsite SEO, it doesn’t matter.

  • Improve your search engine ranking
  • Better crawlability and discovery
  • Increased organic traffic
  • Enhanced site security and page speed
  • Reduced bounce rates
Google on phone

Brands aren’t first by accident: it’s technical SEO strategy

Technical SEO is one of three core pillars of SEO, alongside high-quality content and link building. We can help optimise your website infrastructure for improved crawlability, indexing, and overall performance. By providing SERPs with structured data and keyword-rich snippets, we’ll get your website the attention it deserves. 

From 404 to technical SEO

Our Leeds marketing agency can do it all

The digital landscape is dynamic. So is technical SEO. We’re committed to continuous monitoring and adaptation, staying on top of emerging technology and industry updates to make sure your content remains effective and compliant. From regular website audits to fine-tuning your technical SEO strategy, we provide ongoing support to keep your brand at the forefront of digital visibility.

So, what do we do for technical SEO?


Website speed

A slow-loading website means higher bounce rates and decreased engagement. Why does this matter? Because search engines will assume your content isn’t useful, or relevant, and you’ll be ranked lower.



Search engines prioritise mobile-friendly websites. It’s that simple! By making sure your website is mobile-responsive, you’ll provide better user experience, leading to improved engagement and conversions.


SSL certificates

Not only is this vital for website security, but it also improves your search engine ranking. SSL is a security protocol that encrypts communication, ensuring sensitive information like login details and credit card data is shared securely.



A file that provides instructions to search engine crawlers on how to access and crawl a website’s pages. It’s used for blocking crawlers from accessing private or sensitive content, duplicate content, low-quality pages, or pages that are under development.


Internal linking

Something we often see missing from client’s websites! It’s a crucial aspect of website development, allowing you to provide a clear path for your website visitors to find information quickly and easily. It also helps search engines do the same.


Image optimisation

Remember that loading speed we want to fix? Optimised images enhance user experience, and help search engines understand the content on your website, improving its visibility and ranking by using descriptive alt tags and file names.


Data markup

Helping search engines to understand and categorise your website’s content is important. By using structured data markup, you can improve visibility by providing rich and relevant information in search snippets.


Website security

If your website is found unsafe or unsecure, it will be penalised in search rankings, leading to a drop in traffic. Security breaches also damage your website’s reputation. Implementing measures like firewalls not only protects your website but its visitors and ranking too.


XML sitemap

Think of this as a roadmap of your website’s pages and their relationship to each other, containing metadata, helping search engines to understand its structure, hierarchy, and index the pages more accurately and efficiently.

Red old phone

Don’t do your business dirty. Prioritise your words.

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