
Discover the power of animation from a design agency

You’ve got a short attention span. It’s okay, we all do. That’s why we make it the business of our Leeds marketing agency to create visually-driven animations that bring your brand to life. It’s not just pretty pictures, flashy transitions, and flying words – OK it’s a little bit of that – but it’s also a powerful storytelling tool.

It offers limitless opportunities to convey your message with both impact and originality. It has a unique ability to tell a compelling story. We create narratives that resonate with your audience on an emotional level, guaranteeing they not only watch the animation, but connect with your content on a deeper level.

Animation: better content, better brand development

Whether it’s eye-catching advertisements or an immersive web experience, we’re here to transform your vision into dynamic, memorable, and shareable content. Isn’t that nice?

  • Simplify complex concepts
  • Versatility across multi-channel campaigns
  • Increased engagement and message retention
  • Enhanced storytelling to build a memorable narrative
  • Aligned brand identity, brand development, and reinforcing brand recognition

How animation and advertising go hand in hand

Complex concepts can often feel overwhelming. When someone’s presented with pages of complicated copy, their brain melts. We want to engage your audience beyond passive viewing. Animation makes this easy. A calm breeze, compared to a lengthy product manual or extensive tutorial. By breaking down information into digestible and visually-appealing segments, you can make learning, engaging, and understanding, fun. And if you’re a data-lover (like us) you’ll also enjoy our detailed analytics and performance reports to measure the impact of our creations.

Utilise animation on every channel

There’s one thing you should know about us – we love a multi-channel approach. Your content needs to adapt to various channels and devices with ease. It’s a good job, then, that we animate with versatility in mind. Want to post it on your website? Great. Thinking about social media? Works for us. Needing to snazzy-up a presentation or take over someone’s inbox? We’ve got you covered. We only create content that’s optimised for each, and every, platform. Just try us.

billboard with woman

Animation is just one tool for this marketing agency:

Red old phone

Wanna dance? So do we.

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